Monday, August 2, 2010

35 Dozen Cookies and Counting....

We have sold 35 Dozen cookies in just 3 days! If that's not a "God Thing," I don't know what is! Tonight I was up to my eyeballs in cookie dough, but with each cookie sold, we are one step closer to turning in our adoption application. I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has ordered cookies and to those who have been spreading the word about the cookie sales...Aunt Myka (that is what our baby will call you!) and my wonderful cousin Mylissa. You guys are awesome cookie sellers! I love ya'll so much for doing this for John and I and our "Missing Linck" I can't wait for the day you get to meet that sweet baby! Well I thought I better post a photo of what the cookies look like.....the first 6 dozen didn't turn out too bad!!!

Last night I was doing my Bible study and I was reading the story of when God called Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. I came across this verse in Genesis 22:14 and John and I have been living proof of this promise from God over the past few days.
"The Lord Will provide..."
My Bible study went on to say that provision is part of God's nature and God brought huge blessings to Abraham as a result of his obedience. I know that as long as John and I continue to be obedient to God's calling, He will bless this adoption endeavor....
The Bible study ended with a great quote by A.W. Tozer:
"Everything is safe which we commit to Him, and nothing is really safe which is not so committed."

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