1. PRAY: More then anything we could use your prayers. Prayer is a powerful thing and we know that God hears each and every one that is lifted up on behalf of this adoption, our future children, etc. Please pray for our future children, that God would prepare them to be a part of our family. Pray for John and me – that God will prepare our hearts to be the parents He desires us to be. Pray for us as we continue to fundraise to pay for the adoption expenses. We know that God will provide. He has already provided so much.
Please also pray for the birth mother. She will be sacrificing so much and I can’t imagine having to make the decision that she will have to make.
2. Buy a puzzle piece! We only have 20 pieces left and we would hate for some of the pieces not to be signed by the people who have encouraged us and supported us all along this journey. Each piece is $20 and we will write your name and a special message on the back. We can’t wait to show our children the puzzle and read the messages from all the people who helped to bring them home.
3. Spread the word about our adoption and the puzzle piece fundraiser on your blog, Facebook, etc. We love to share our adoption story with new people because it’s a chance to share Jesus and all that God has done through this journey. It really is all about Him.
4. If you'd like to donate to our adoption you can do that through the paypal button here on our blog. Every little bit helps. We have already raised more than $20,000 and now we are focusing on raising the funds we need to travel to Ethiopia twice. We only need to raise about $7,500 more.