Monday, October 17, 2011

It's Not a Choice

I'm currently reading "Kisses from Katie" - Katie moved to Uganda at 18-years-old and now in her early 20's, she is the mother to more than a dozen Ugandan girls.

Many things in her book have touched my heart and challenged me, but last night one story she shared brought tears. She told of an area in Uganda where poor, poverty and starvation don't even begin to describe the horrific conditions where people live. Desperate to feed their children, women are forced into prostitution and other unfathomable situations.

She writes:
"Elizabeth, whose husband left her after her third child was born, had recently taken in her sister's 5 children after her sudden death. 'What was my choice?' she asked when explaining the situation to me. 'God says I look after orphans, I look after orphans.' Elizabeth and the 8 children sleep together on the floor in a home about half the size of my kitchen table."

Elizabeth has nothing, yet she obeys God's call to care for the orphans. We have everything, yet we ignore it, pretending it's not our problem.
Many Christians think it's a choice whether they care for the poor and the orphan. God doesn't give us a choice. His word is clear. We are to help the poor, the orphan and the widow.

Last night I was sitting in my comfortable bed, writing these words and I was disgusted with myself. I am too comfortable. I have too much. I do not do enough. I spend too much money - on things that have no eternal value. I desire things of this world that I don't need when there are millions of people around the world who would give anything for a bite of food.

Too often we sit in our comfy church pews, talking about how we're going to be the hands and feet of Jesus, yet we never put our words into action.
On November 6th, our church will host Orphan Sunday. I pray hearts will burn with passion and the people in my church and churches all across the country will do something, anything to obey the call God has placed on all Christians!

"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself from the world."
~James 1:27

I pray God will shake us to the core, that we will step out of our comfort zones and be Jesus' hands and feet. That we will be obedient to His call.
It's not a choice!


  1. I am praying the same thing,and i often feel the same way! Love your heart! I am right there with ya!

  2. amen sister. praying that God shakes things up on Nov. 6th and changes hearts!!!

  3. A friend gave me a link to your blog. This is the first I have read it. My husband and I are in the process of adopting from Ethiopia and this blog post basically sums up our hearts cry. I sit here in bed unable to sleep and cry...I love your heart, its beat sounds an awful lot like mine. I appreciate your words and stand with you on this! Thank you for your prayer is that others find this truth and jump on board! Oh, and how did ya get that donate gadget on here? We have got to figure out easier ways for people to donate. Right now we have paypal and people mailing us checks. I like this idea way better! :)

  4. My heart is broken over the same things, and I pray continually over what God is asking me to do about it. Thanks for sharing - love your heart and your blog! =)
