Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fulfilled Purposes

Now that you know you have a God-Sized Dream, what do you do next? It can be overwhelming! I got home from SheSpeaks late Sunday night and was on a crazy high! I had a list of goals and was ready to tackle them.
Then reality smacked me in the face. You know...dirty diapers, piles of laundry, grocery shopping....

Don't get me wrong, I love my reality, but I started to get overwhelmed. How am I going to balance being the best mother and wife I can be AND use my writing to glorify God?

I need to write every day, I need to expand my platform, I need to blog AND work on finishing my book, I need to update my Facebook page, I need to transfer my blog to Wordpress, I need a new blog design. Oh. My. Goodness. I am tired just typing it!

Last night I got in bed, opened my Bible and God gave me a promise.

"I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills His purpose for me."
~ Psalm 57:2

Then another promise in Psalm 138:8 "The Lord will fulfill His purposes for me."

Then my phone rang. A dear friend called because she wanted to encourage me. She sensed the Lord doing something amazing through my blog, through my writing and she thought I needed to know. She shared how a loved one had read my blog and was touched by what he read. I cried. God affirmed in my heart again that I am to be writing for His glory!

That's what God-Sized dreams are all about. They are for His glory, not ours. And if your God-Sized dream makes a difference in just one person's life then God has fulfilled His purpose.

At SheSpeaks, many of the publishers told me I needed to focus on expanding my platform. More Facebook followers, more people viewing my blog each month, opportunities to speak and share our story. Publishers wanted a platform - the bigger the better, but each session I attended was focused on something different. It wasn't a big platform. It wasn't about thousands and thousands of Facebook followers. It was using your writing to make a difference in the life of ONE person!

Today I am linking up over at Women Living Well and I love what Courtney shared during one of her sessions. She said, "Just be faithful to use your writing to glorify the Lord. His Word will not return void."

So be faithful sweet friend! Hold on to God's promise to fulfill His purpose in your life and remember that if you touch just ONE person, you have made a difference in His Kingdom!

*** For more encouragment, check out Courtney's blog Women Living Well.

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