Wednesday, November 17, 2010

God's Splendor in Our Ordinary Lives...

If you would have asked me a couple of years ago if I would be fundraising like crazy so that I could go to Ethiopia and bring home a baby I would have laughed. A few years ago, Ethiopia and most parts of the world, never even crossed my mind. I was too worried about what I would wear or how I would pay the bills. I had my life all planned out. I would get married and have babies.

Just goes to show that our plans aren’t always God’s plans.

This week during my Bible study I was reminded that God’s purposes are always higher than my own.

Isaiah 55:9 says “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.”

When God speaks, he usually challenges us to step out of our comfort zone. He usually asks us to do something that we would never have dreamt of doing on our own. But when we obediently follow him, we step out of our natural abilities and into the realm of His supernatural possibilities. (Priscilla Shirer)

John and I have definitely seen God’s supernatural possibilities. We couldn’t have come up with such an amazing way to build our family if it hadn’t been for God tugging at our heartstrings and opening the doors to adoption. We couldn't face this journey without fear without God's amazing peace! There is no way we could have raised $13,000 without God’s power and intervention.

Is the adoption journey easy? Nope. It’s overwhelming….there are a lot of unknowns. That's where trust and faith come in. We often discuss with our friends who are on this adoption journey with us, just how easy it is for the majority of people to get pregnant. Young girls can get pregnant on prom night. People who can’t financially take care of their children can continue to have them. Sometimes it seems a little unfair….but

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.”

Something else that stood out from my Bible study this week was this:

“The voices of our enemy or our egos will always give us the easier option. They never encourage us to tap into divine resources. We feel tempted to do the opposite of what God asks, because it’s easier. But God’s voice commands the option that will display His power. He desires to show Himself strong in you and will encourage you to do things that require trust and faith. God wants to see the wondrous things He will accomplish in us. Don’t be fearful about the hard road He may ask you to take.”

It would have been very easy for John and me not to follow God when he started nudging us towards adoption. After all, how were we going to come up with $28,000? Thankfully, God kept nudging us….He gave us His peace that surpasses all understanding and we knew without a doubt that He would provide a way. And He has. It hasn’t been all at once, but it’s been just when we've needed it.

That is God’s supernatural possibilities being displayed in our very ordinary lives.

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